
Voice of Kids空中广播站——小伢儿说清明


   Hi,everyone.我是来自杭州少儿英语俱乐部的葛一诺,现就读于杭州市行知小学六年级!我性格温和,爱好广泛,爱英语,爱看书,爱朗读,爱运动,爱生活中一切美好事物!“二十四节气”早已被列入联合国非遗名录,作为一个中国人,我骄傲! 正值清明假期,作为亚运小小东道主的我,用英文介绍清明节,希望更多的国际友人了解中国,了解我们老祖先的智慧.

    在空中广播站,让我们用声音记录美好,一起用心聆听voice of kids,感知孩子视角里的美好世界!



Qingming Festival

April the 4th heralds the brightest season, and the start of Qingming solar term. Children play football and swing under the trees. Their parents eat cold food and walk up mountains to pay respects to their ancestors’ graves.

For this is the time, when the Chinese people are meant to go back to their hometowns and remember their dead ancestors. Paying tribute to one’s ancestors on Tomb-Sweeping Day is an important tradition in China, which embodies the cultural conception of Shenzhong zhuiyuan. With this memorial, the Chinese people reflect on their historical origin by memorializing their forefathers and examine themselves through the life cycle. In an atmosphere of solemnity and ritual, they find inner peace and sublimation of the soul.

It’s the only solar term with a national festival named after it, and ingrained in it are the collective memories of the Chinese people. It carries with it their passions and respect for their families and nation that have remained unchanged for thousands of years.





